ERROR: The consumer isn't authorized to access %resources"

This issue may appears when you sync data from the Salesforce to the Magento, i.e. when you use the ‘reverse’ sync process. in the Salesforce sync Queue


{ "message": "The consumer isn't authorized to access %resources.", "parameters": { "resources": "TNW_SForceEnterprise::salesforce_synchronization_reverse" } }


This issue may has 2 resons:

  1. The Salersforce-to-Magento connection is not configured correctly. To fix it follow our instruction here:

  2. If you use Magento v 2.4.4 and newer - you need enable 'standalone Bearer tokens'. You can do that in Magento admin area:
    Stores > Configuration > Services > OAuth > Consumer Settings > Allow OAuth Access Tokens to be used as standalone Bearer tokens option to Yes.

    You can also enable this setting from the CLI by running the following command:

    Copybin/magento config:set oauth/consumer/enable_integration_as_bearer 1