
Product Configuration tab contain tree options:


1. Automated Synchronization

Automated Synchronization” allows you to enable automatic products synchronization. If disabled, the synchronization still can be performed manually

To Enable automatic synchronization

  • go to Magento Admin panel - Salesforce (sidebar menu) - Products - Product Configuration tab

  • Set the “Automatic Synchronization“ option to “Yes

As a result, when merchants create a new product it will be automatically synchronized with Salesforce Product. Also, any change made with a product (for ex. editing name, SKU, price, description) will be automatically synchronized too when clicking the “Save” button.

To check if the product was synchronized:

  • go to Magento Admin panel - Catalog - Products - scroll to newly created product

You should see that the “Salesforce Sync Status” column has a green tick, the “Salesforce Product ID” column contains a link, and Salesforce Pricebook ID” column contains a link

  • or click “Select - Edit“ on the created product and choose the “Salesforce“ tab

The “Salesforce Product ID” column could contain more than one link. it depends on how many websites are created in the Magento instance. Each Magento website assigned to its own Pricebook

Read Paid Package article for more information about Pricebook

To assign Magento to Pricebook

  • go to Magento Admin panel - Stores - All Stores and click on Website you want to edit

  • scroll to the “Salesforce“ section and expand the “Default Pricebook“ drop-down list

  • choose Pricebook and click the “Save Web Site“ button

If some websites do not have an assigned Pricebook, you will see the warning in the Message field at the of the page

If you accidentally select the same Pricebook for different websites you will see an error message

If leave the Default Pricebook dropdown empty for some Websites, synchronization for such Websites will be skipped (Products, Orders, Invoices etc)

To Disable automatic synchronization

  • go to Magento Admin panel - Salesforce (sidebar menu) - Products - Product Configuration tab

  • Set the “Automatic Synchronization“ option to “No

As a result, when merchants create a new product it will not be automatically synchronized with Salesforce Product.

To check if the product was not synchronized:

  • go to Magento Admin panel - Catalog - Products - scroll to newly created product

You should see that the “Salesforce Sync Status” column has a red exclamation mark, “Salesforce Product ID” and “Salesforce Pricebook ID” columns are empty

  • or click “Select - Edit“ on the created product and choose the “Salesforce“ tab

Manual synchronization

There are few possible ways for manual synchronization

  • Go to Magento Admin panel - Catalog - Products

  • Mark checkbox next to the product you want to manually synchronize

  • Click the “Action” menu - “Sync with Salesforce”

  • Click the “Select - Sync with Salesforce“ action on the product record

  • Go to Magento Admin panel - Catalog - Products

  • Click the “Select - Edit” link from the Action column for the product you want to manually synchronize

  • Click the “Sync“ button

As a result, the product should receive Salesforce Product ID, Salesforce Pricebook ID and Salesforce Sync Status become green tick

Disable Sync option

This option enable/disable synchronization for particular products. Manual synchronization does not work for products with is enabled “Disable Sync” option.

  • Go to Magento Admin panel - Catalog - Products

  • Click the “Select - Edit” link from the Action column for the product you want to change sync option

  • Click on the “Salesforce“ tab

  • switch the “Disable Sync” option to “Yes/No

2. Enable Tier Prices Synchronization

Enable/Disable automated tier prices synchronization

If set the “Enable Tier Prices Synchronization” option to “Yes” - Magento will send to Salesforce information about product tier prices

  • go to Magento Admin panel - Salesforce (sidebar menu) - Products - Product Configuration tab

  • Set “Enable Tier Prices Synchronization” option to “Yes

If set the “Enable Tier Prices Synchronization” option to “No” - product tier prices from Magento will not be synced

3. Sync with all Pricebooks

If set the “Sync with all pricebooks” option to “Yes” - Magento will send to Salesforce information about product prices from all websites where those products are assigned including inactive for the product at the moment.

  • go to Magento Admin panel - Salesforce (sidebar menu) - Products - Product Configuration tab

  • Set “Sync with all pricebooks” option to “Yes

If set “Sync with all pricebooks” option to "No" - the product will be synchronized to assigned website pricebooks except inactive for the product at the moment.

  • go to Magento Admin panel - Salesforce (sidebar menu) - Products - Product Configuration tab

  • Set “Sync with all pricebooks” option to “No

Check websites assigned to the product:

  • go to Magento Admin panel - Catalog -Products - scroll to the product you want to check

  • Click the “Select - Edit” link from the Action column for the product

  • scroll to the “Product in Websites“ tab and expand it

4. Price accuracy

“Price Accuracy” option Specify the number of decimal places when synchronizing product prices with Salesforce.

  • go to Magento Admin panel - Salesforce (sidebar menu) - Products - Product Configuration tab

  • Click on the “Price Accuracy“ drop-down list

  • Select option you need

5. Cause Product sync by scheduled update

This option is related to the "Schedule an update to a product" feature. Enable this option if you want to sync updated data to the Salesforce once product version is updated.

Note: If enabled “Cause Product sync by scheduled update“ option, "Scheduled changes" will restart our consumers once a new version is available.