ERROR: Can't change quote owner. Enable quotes without parent opportunities.: Owner ID, fields [OwnerId]

ERROR: Can't change quote owner. Enable quotes without parent opportunities.: Owner ID, fields [OwnerId]


For now, there is only one way to change a Salesforce Quote owner after the Salesforce Quote is created.
(Please refer to Feed Item Detail | Salesforce Trailblazer Community). By default, the Salesforce Quote owner can't be changed manually or through API.


  1. Log into Magento 2 admin.

  2. Open ‘Salesforce’ -> ‘Manage Mappings’.

  3. Open 'B2B Quote mappings'.

  4. Find all records with ‘OwnerId’ ‘Salesforce Attribute’ and edit them.

  5. In 'Magento -> Salesforce Settings', set the 'When' field value to 'Insert Only’.

  6. Press ‘Save Mapper’.


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