ERROR: insufficient access rights on cross-reference id

ERROR: insufficient access rights on cross-reference id

Issue #1

You see the following error message:

Salesforce integration: ERROR: insufficient access rights on cross-reference id: a000E000001ALlX

This problem may happen when the configuration is outdated or incomplete.


  1. Re-sync Magento websites
  2. Open every configuration page our solution in Magento (it should be under TNW Salesforce), check settings and re-save each page.

Issue #2

You see the following error message:

Magento order #000000333. Linking product (sku: 1234abc) to Salesforce Order. 12345 orderItem OrderItem In Progress: Salesforce Update insufficient access rights on cross-reference id


  1. In Magento Admin, navigate to Salesforce (main menu) > Tools > Salesforce ID Mappings (page)
    1. If you don't see this option, you will need to enable the "Developer" mode in our configuration
      1. Salesforce (main menu) > Configuration > General Configuration (page)
      2. Expand "Debug and Logging" section
      3. Set "Developer Mode" to Yes
  2. Find the Order Item by Magento ID and delete that record
  3. Resync the order

Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

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