SF -> Magento. The product price does not change for Global scope

  1. Go to Magento admin panel - Store - Configuration - Catalog - Catalog - Price

    1. Set “Catalog Price Scope” to “Global

  2. Go to Magento admin panel - Store - All stores

    1. Create few stores and assign the correct pricebook for them

  3. Go to Magento admin panel - Salesforce - Products

    1. Set “Sync with all Pricebooks” option to “Yes

  4. Go to Magento admin panel - Catalog - Products - create new product

  5. Click on the First Salesforce Pricebook Id link

  6. Edit Pricebook and change price

  7. Click on "Sync with Magento" button

  8. Check product price in Magento

In this case, product price might not be changed, because when “Catalog Price Scope” option is set to “Global” and the price could be edited only in one place.

Update works only for PricebookEntry with a higher Store_ID value

This scenario works correctly if “Catalog Price Scope” is set to “Website