Order is automated synchronized when submitting invoice but automatically synchronization is turned off

Steps to reproduce

  1. Go to Magento Admin panel - Salesforce - Configuration - Orders - Order Configuration

    1. Set the "Automated Synchronization" option to "No"

  2. Expand Advanced tab and:

    1. Set the "Create Order" option to "For paid order "

    2. Set the "Create Opportunity" option to "No"

  3. Go to Magento Admin panel - Salesforce - Configuration - Invoices

    1. Set the "Enable Invoice Synchronization" option to "Yes"

  4. Go to Magento Frontend and place order

  5. Go to Magento Admin panel - Sales - Orders - edit order - submit invoice

  6. Select Salesforce tab and pay attention to Salesforce order id

In this case order is automatixally synchronizaed bacause Invoice synchronization has dependencies with order