Magento Customer Lookup

Magento Customer Lookup

Prior to inserting records into Salesforce Magento MUST make an attempt to locate a record. Customer lookup has several phases: 

*** Feature is not automatically enabled in every Salesforce organization. A merchant has to request Salesforce Representative to enable that feature for them. Feature cannot be de-activated after it's activated.

General Assumptions

Customer Scope:

Magento allows merchants to configure customer account sharing options to either use "Global" or "Per Website". This configuration is found in Magento Admin panel under:  System > Configuration > Customer > Customer Configuration > Account Sharing Options block.

If set to "Global" - lookup only uses customer email address in attempt to find a matching record in Salesforce.

If set to "Per Website" - in addition to the email address, "Magento Website" is also used in attempt to uniquely identify a record in Salesforce.

Email Address matching:

Email address lookup in salesforce is case insensitive.

Magento emails ARE case-sensitive. Lookup MUST convert Magento email address into lowercase prior to querying Salesforce for any matching records

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