Account Lookup (B2B Account)

Account Lookup (B2B Account)

Account object in Salesforce represents a company where a Contact (aka customer) works. Account could be of two types: B2B and B2C. Natively, Salesforce forces its users to only use B2B Accounts and assumes that people who use Salesforce are primarily do B2B business.

If a merchant does B2C business, they usually alter how Accounts and Contacts are used in Salesforce to fit their business process. Other option is to request Salesforce to activate "PersonAccounts" in Salesforce (which represent a B2C Account). "PersonAccount" is a feature that can be activated by SalesForce but CANNOT be de-activated - with makes the adaptation of that feature in Salesforce very low.

Required fields:

  • Name (required by Salesforce)


Primary goal is to find all matching companies based on the Account "Name" field.

Valid matches:
  • Exact match of the Account "Name" field


Duplicate Found

If duplicate Accounts are found in Salesforce, Account merge() should take place to ensure there are no duplicate Accounts in Salesforce system

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