Prepare Salesforce account for the sync process

Prepare Salesforce account for the sync process

Before you start to work with Salesforce modules in Magento you have to prepare and configure your Salesforce account.

1. Create new account at https://developer.salesforce.com/signup .

2. Fill all required fields and click “Sing me up“ button.

3. Now you need to confirm you account and complete registration.

  • Go to you email box - open “Welcome to Salesforce: Verify your account“ email and click on “Verify Account“ button

4. Provide Password and Security Question. Click on “Change password“ button

5. Next imported step is to Enable Quotes in Salesforce

  • Click on “Gears“ - “Setup” button

  • Type “Quote Settings“ into “Search Setup” field and click on it

  • Click on “Enable“ button

  • Select the page layouts that should include the Quotes related list and click “Save” button

6. Now you are able to Installing & Upgrading Salesforce Managed Packages

Please follow the instruction on “Installing & Upgrading Salesforce Managed Packages“ page

7. Next step is to Reset Security Token

  • Click on “View Profile“ button and select “Settings“ link

  • select “Reset My Security Token“ tab and click on “Reset Security Token“ button

  • Check Your Email and save Security Token for next use

8. Create Price book for you Magento web site

  • Click on “Apps“ button and type “Price books“ into “Search apps and items” field

  • click on Price books item

  • click on “New“ button to create new price book

  • provide “Price Book Name”, mark “Active“ checkbox and click “Save“ button

9. Generate and save the WSDL file

Refer next article Generating the WSDL file

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