Create a QuickBooks App
QuickBooks decided to end OAuth 1.0 support for all their apps by the end of January 2020. This was done for security reasons and you can read more information about the OAuth 1.0 to OAuth 2.0 migration efforts on the QuickBooks API documentation pages.
STEP 1 - Developer Portal
Navigate to and click on Sign In at the top right-hand side. You will see the login screen below.
STEP 2 - Login
Use the same login and password as you would when accessing your LIVE QuickBooks account.
STEP 3 - Create a new app
After a successful authentication click on My Apps at the top right and you will be redirected to the QuickBooks app dashboard. It should look similar to this:
STEP 4 - Create a new app
Click the blue-button at the top of the page with the following label: + Create an app
Click on QuickBooks Online and Payments box and fill out a form on the next image.
The app name can be anything, but we recommend you use a descriptive name (eg. Integration with
The scope should be set to Accounting.
Click on Create app button.
STEP 5 - App configuration
Click on Production Settings
Terms of Service Links
EULA - a link to your site (technically this can be any URL since the only user of this app will be you.
Privacy policy URL - same as above. Noone besides you should be using this app.
Tell us about regulated industries that use your app
Choose the industry for your business
Where is your app hosted?
Choose the country where your Magento is hosted.
App URLs
Host Domain - is your website (eg. )
Launch URL: Magento QuickBooks Online Integration
Disconnect URL:
Scope of the ApI:
We don't recommend using ALL as it will increase the security risk for this integration app.
Categorize your app
Should be set to Accounting.
Click Save.
STEP 6 - App assessment questionnaire
On each page click save to ensure the answers are saved and if you can`t finish the questionnaire by some reasons right now the next time you enter answers will be already populated.
General Questions
This is info about your company
App information
Which of the following is true about your app (at least one option must be checked):
App Instructed
You were asked to create this app in order to get credentials/keys to be used on another platform that integrates with QuickBooks
populate input with link to current page: Create a QuickBooks App
Have you added some form of Re-CAPTCHA to your site or app to prevent fraudulent transactions?
As it is magento integration - select Yes.
Payments/Money Movement
Does your app use the Intuit platform as a payment processor?
No, as we use magento side payments
Describe the types of transactions that your app enables (either directly or indirectly).
Invoices, bills, products, sales Receipts, Customers, payments, companies, taxes, payment methods, refunds
Do you either have (i) agreements with banks or payment processors to provide the services on your behalf or (ii) licenses to provide those services?
we use magento payment processors and for configuring those we subscribe the payment agreements with payment providers
Or select NO if not
If you provide payment services, are you responsible for regulatory compliance and reporting to applicable agencies (including instances of fraud)?
all of those are made via magento functionality
Or select Yes if not
Click Submit.
STEP 7 - Keys and OAuth
This is where you will get the Client ID and Client Secret
You will need to populate these in Magento Admin
Redirect URIs
Click on Add URI
Copy-paste the callback URI from the Magento (see the TNW QuickBooks > General configuration page)
Click Save.
Go to to connect your app to Magento.