


I am getting the following error in Magento:

Salesforce integration: INVALID_OPERATION_WITH_EXPIRED_PASSWORD: The users password has expired, you must call SetPassword before attempting any other API operations

What does this mean?

Password has expired for the integration user and MUST be reset. Salesforce automatically forces you to reset your password every 30 days unless you tell it NOT to.

NOTE: When password on the account changes, Salesforce also generates a new security token and both would have to be updated in Magento

Solution #1

  1. In Magento Admin panel, navigate to: Salesforce > Integration Setup > API Configuration page
  2. Change "Enable PowerSync" to No
  3. Go to Salesforce and log into your Organization
  4. Navigate to Setup > Administer > Manage Users > Users
  5. Either "Change Password" or "Reset Password" for the user at question
  6. Complete password change flow
  7. At this point you should have a new password and an email from Salesforce with your new security token
  8. Go back to Magento Admin Panel to the same page described under STEP 1
  9. Update "API Password" field with the new password
  10. Update "Token" with the new security token
  11. Change "Enable PowerSync" to Yes
  12. Click on "Save Configuration"

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