Re-sync objects through mass action

Re-sync objects through mass action

For resynchronization of Customers (Orders, Quotes, etc,..) from Magento to Salesforce it is possible to use mass action.

  1. Open the Customers grid (go to Magento Admin panel - Customers - All Customers):


2. Select all the Customers through mass action. Chose Select All. It is possible to select all the Customers, all Customers on this page. Either it is possible to use the Filter and select Customer for any particular period (i.e. day, week, etc,..). From the Actions dropdown select Sync with Salesforce.

3. After clicking on Sync with Salesforce go to Magento Admin panel - Salesforce - Queues - From Magento to check the synchronization queue. The Status will change to Successful.

4. After that back to Customers grid and check that Salesforce Contact Id and Salesforce Account Id links appear.