Salesforce field access changes
- Navigate to "Setup" > "Build" > "Customize" > "Leads" > "Fields"
- Click on "Map Lead Fields"
- Map "Magento ID" to "Contact.Magento ID"
- Map "Website" to "Contact.Magento Website"
- Save changes
- Click on "Email Opt Out" link (NOT the "Edit" next to it, but the actual name)
- Click on "Set Field Level Security" and make sure the field is "visible" to API user you plan on using
- Click on "Magento Website" link (NOT the "Edit" next to it, but the actual name)
- Click on "Set Field Level Security" and make sure the field is "visible" to API user you plan on using
- Click on "Map Lead Fields"
- Navigate to "Setup" > "Build" > "Customize" > "Contacts" > "Fields"
- Click on "Email Opt Out" link (NOT the "Edit" next to it, but the actual name)
- Click on "Set Field Level Security" and make sure the field is "visible" to API user you plan on using
- Click on "Magento Website" link (NOT the "Edit" next to it, but the actual name)
- Click on "Set Field Level Security" and make sure the field is "visible" to API user you plan on using
- Click on "Email Opt Out" link (NOT the "Edit" next to it, but the actual name)
- Navigate to "Setup" > "Build" > "Customize" > "Opportunity" > "Fields"
- Click on "Magento Website" link (NOT the "Edit" next to it, but the actual name)
- Click on "Set Field Level Security" and make sure the field is "visible" to API user you plan on using
- Click on "Magento Website" link (NOT the "Edit" next to it, but the actual name)
- Navigate to "Setup" > "Build" > "Customize" > "Order" > "Fields"
- Click on "Magento Website" link (NOT the "Edit" next to it, but the actual name)
- Click on "Set Field Level Security" and make sure the field is "visible" to API user you plan on using
- Click on "BillToContact" link (NOT the "Edit" next to it, but the actual name)
- Click on "Set Field Level Secur ity" and make sure the field is "visible" to API user you plan on using
- Click on "ShippToContact" link (NOT the "Edit" next to it, but the actual name)
- Click on "Set Field Level Security" and make sure the field is "visible" to API user you plan on using
- Click on "Opportunity" link (NOT the "Edit" next to it, but the actual name)
- Click on "Set Field Level Security" and make sure the field is "visible" to API user you plan on using
- Click on "Order Name" link (NOT the "Edit" next to it, but the actual name)
- Click on "Set Field Level Security" and make sure the field is "visible" to API user you plan on using
- Click on "Magento Website" link (NOT the "Edit" next to it, but the actual name)
- (Optional) Update Contact, Lead and Opportunity layouts and make "Magento ID" and "Website" fields visible