Magento 2: Magento Extension Upgrade to 2.6

Magento 2: Magento Extension Upgrade to 2.6

Important Note!

We do not recommend performing any installations or upgrades Fridays or before the holidays. Our support team is only available during the regular business hours. Off business hours assistance has to be scheduled with the support team in advance.

See Magento 2 Connector for the list of the latest versions.

Latest Versions






Upgrade Instructions to 2.6.x and above (if you are using the integration version 2.5 or below)

STEP 1.1

  • Install composer package(s)

    • If you use Magento 2.2 and below, STOP. Version 2.6 only supports Magneto version 2.3 and above.
    • If you use Magento 2.3 and above

      • If you are using the paid version 2.5 or lower, you will need to uninstall tnw/sforcebusiness first.

        *nix command

        ./bin/magento module:disable TNW_SForceBusiness TNW_SForceEnterprise

        composer remove tnw/sforcebusiness tnw/sforceenterprise --no-scripts

      • The next step will be to update the extensions and re-enable the extension for the paid version

        *nix command

        composer require tnw/soap-client=1.1.3 tnw/salesforce=2.9.64  tnw/sforceenterprise=2.9.67

        ./bin/magento module:enable TNW_SForceEnterprise


The follwing commands are usually executed for each Magento deployment.

bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento setup:di:compile
bin/magento indexer:reindex

Re-deploy static content

rm -rf pub/static/frontend/ pub/static/deployed_version.txt  pub/static/adminhtml/
bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f

Clear / Clean Magento cache

bin/magento cache:clean

Last but not least, disable the Magento maintenance mode

bin/magento maintenance:disable

If you run into any issues, try executing the following command and try again

rm -rf var/generation/* generated/*

If the previous module version was installed before - open and resave all our module config pages, it causes necessary triggers according to the configuration on new module version.


bin/magento module:uninstall TNW_Salesforce

*nix command

php bin/magento module:uninstall TNW_SForceBusiness

bin/magento module:uninstall TNW_SForceEnterprise

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