MSI Reverse Synchronization Payload

MSI Reverse Synchronization Payload

Request payload structure:

{ "sf": [ { "attributes": { "type": "<Object API Name>", "url": "<Instance URL>" }, "Id": "<Instance Salesforce Id>", "<Object Standard Field 1>": "<Instance field value>", "<Object Standard Field N>": "<Instance field value>", "<Object Custom Field 1>": "<Instance field value>", "<Object Custom Field N>": "<Instance field value>", "<Related Object 1 API Name>": { "totalSize": "<Number of records>", "done": true, "records": [ { "attributes": { "type": "<Related Object 1 API Name>", "url": "<Related Instance 1 URL>" }, "Id": "<Related Instance 1 Salesforce Id>", "<Object Standard Field 1>": "<Related Instance 1 field value>", "<Object Standard Field N>": "<Related Instance 1 field value>", "<Object Custom Field 1>": "<Related Instance 1 field value>", "<Object Custom Field N>": "<Related Instance 1 field value>", "<Related Object 1.1 API Name>": { "totalSize": "<Number of records>", "done": true, "records": [ { "attributes": { "type": "<Related Object 1.1 API Name>", "url": "<Related Instance 1.1 URL>" }, "Id": "<Related Instance 1.1 Salesforce Id>", "<Object Standard Field 1>": "<Related Instance 1.1 field value>", "<Object Standard Field N>": "<Related Instance 1.1 field value>", "<Object Custom Field 1>": "<Related Instance 1.1 field value>", "<Object Custom Field N>": "<Related Instance 1.1 field value>" } ] }, "<Related Object 1.N API Name>": { "totalSize": "<Number of records>", "done": true, "records": [ { "attributes": { "type": "<Related Object 1.N API Name>", "url": "<Related Instance 1.N URL>" }, "Id": "<Related Instance 1.N Salesforce Id>", "<Object Standard Field 1>": "<Related Instance 1.N field value>", "<Object Standard Field N>": "<Related Instance 1.N field value>", "<Object Custom Field 1>": "<Related Instance 1.N field value>", "<Object Custom Field N>": "<Related Instance 1.N field value>" } ] } } ] }, "<Related Object N API Name>": { "totalSize": "<Number of records>", "done": true, "records": [ { "attributes": { "type": "<Related Object N API Name>", "url": "<Related Instance N URL>" }, "Id": "<Related Instance N Salesforce Id>", "<Object Standard Field 1>": "<Related Instance N field value>", "<Object Standard Field N>": "<Related Instance N field value>", "<Object Custom Field 1>": "<Related Instance N field value>", "<Object Custom Field N>": "<Related Instance N field value>", "<Related Object N.1 API Name>": { "totalSize": "<Number of records>", "done": true, "records": [ { "attributes": { "type": "<Related Object N.1 API Name>", "url": "<Related Instance N.1 URL>" }, "Id": "<Related Instance N.1 Salesforce Id>", "<Object Standard Field 1>": "<Related Instance N.1 field value>", "<Object Standard Field N>": "<Related Instance N.1 field value>", "<Object Custom Field 1>": "<Related Instance N.1 field value>", "<Object Custom Field N>": "<Related Instance N.1 field value>" } ] }, "<Related Object N.N API Name>": { "totalSize": "<Number of records>", "done": true, "records": [ { "attributes": { "type": "<Related Object N.N API Name>", "url": "<Related Instance N.N URL>" }, "Id": "<Related Instance N.N Salesforce Id>", "<Object Standard Field 1>": "<Related Instance N.N field value>", "<Object Standard Field N>": "<Related Instance N.N field value>", "<Object Custom Field 1>": "<Related Instance N.N field value>", "<Object Custom Field N>": "<Related Instance N.N field value>" } ] } } ] } } ] }



Example request payload:

  1. Inventory Source

    { "sf": [ { "attributes": { "type": "Inventory_Source__c", "url": "/services/data/v54.0/sobjects/Inventory_Source/01t08000009hOSUAA2" }, "Id": "01t08000009hOSUAA2", "OwnerId": "00509000006om58AAA", "IsDeleted": false, "Name": "Source 6 Name", "Source_Code__c": "source6", "Enabled__c": "1", "Description__c": "Some Description", "Postcode__c": "123456", "Use_Default_Carrier_Config__c": "1", "Country_Id__c": "AZ", "Frontend_Name__c": "Source 6 Frontend Name", "CreatedDate": "2022-03-03T10:53:23.000+0000", "CreatedById": "00524000000eEKzAAM", "LastModifiedDate": "2022-03-03T10:53:23.000+0000", "LastModifiedById": "00524000000eEKzAAM", "SystemModstamp": "2022-03-03T10:53:23.000+0000" } ] }
  2. Inventory Source Item

    { "sf": [ { "attributes": { "type": "Inventory_Source_Item__c", "url": "/services/data/v54.0/sobjects/Inventory_Source_Item__c/a005f000008Iu4y" }, "Id": "a005f000008Iu4y", "OwnerId": "00509000006om58AAA", "IsDeleted": false, "Name": "default:vebkotwi", "Inventory_Source_Field__c": "a015f00000JwLgn", "Magento_ID__c": "5", "Product__c": "01t09000004fahVAAQ", "Quantity__c": "27", "Status__c": "1", "CreatedDate": "2022-03-03T10:53:23.000+0000", "CreatedById": "00524000000eEKzAAM", "LastModifiedDate": "2022-03-03T10:53:23.000+0000", "LastModifiedById": "00524000000eEKzAAM", "SystemModstamp": "2022-03-03T10:53:23.000+0000", "Product2": { "totalSize": 1, "done": true, "records": [ { "attributes": { "type": "Product2", "url": "/services/data/v54.0/sobjects/Product2/01t08000009hOSUAA2" }, "Id": "01t08000009hOSUAA2", "Name": "mowockag!!!", "ProductCode": "vebkotwi", "IsActive": true, "CreatedDate": "2022-03-03T10:53:21.000+0000", "CreatedById": "00524000000eEKzAAM", "LastModifiedDate": "2022-03-03T10:53:21.000+0000", "LastModifiedById": "00524000000eEKzAAM", "SystemModstamp": "2022-03-03T10:53:23.000+0000", "CurrencyIsoCode": "USD", "IsDeleted": false, "LastViewedDate": "2022-03-12T18:31:06.000+0000", "LastReferencedDate": "2022-03-12T18:31:06.000+0000", "tnw_mage_basic__Attribute_Set__c": "Default", "tnw_mage_basic__Magento_ID__c": "964", "tnw_mage_basic__Product_Type__c": "Simple Product", "tnw_mage_enterp__disableMagentoSync__c": false, "PricebookEntries": { "totalSize": 1, "done": true, "records": [ { "attributes": { "type": "PricebookEntry", "url": "/services/data/v54.0/sobjects/PricebookEntry/01u0800000Z4vj6AAB" }, "Product2Id": "01t08000009hOSUAA2", "Id": "01u0800000Z4vj6AAB", "Name": "mowockag", "Pricebook2Id": "01s5f000008ntcu", "CurrencyIsoCode": "EUR", "UnitPrice": 89.19, "IsActive": true, "UseStandardPrice": false, "CreatedDate": "2022-03-03T10:53:23.000+0000", "CreatedById": "00524000000eEKzAAM", "LastModifiedDate": "2022-03-03T10:53:23.000+0000", "LastModifiedById": "00524000000eEKzAAM", "SystemModstamp": "2022-03-03T10:53:23.000+0000", "ProductCode": "vebkotwi", "IsDeleted": false } ] } } ] }, "Inventory_Source__c": { "totalSize": 1, "done": true, "records": [ { "attributes": { "type": "Inventory_Source__c", "url": "/services/data/v54.0/sobjects/Inventory_Source/01t08000009hOSUAA2" }, "Id": "01t08000009hOSUAA2", "OwnerId": "00509000006om58AAA", "IsDeleted": false, "Name": "Source 6 Name", "Source_Code__c": "source6", "Enabled__c": "1", "Description__c": "Some Description", "Postcode__c": "123456", "Use_Default_Carrier_Config__c": "1", "Country_Id__c": "AZ", "Frontend_Name__c": "Source 6 Frontend Name", "CreatedDate": "2022-03-03T10:53:23.000+0000", "CreatedById": "00524000000eEKzAAM", "LastModifiedDate": "2022-03-03T10:53:23.000+0000", "LastModifiedById": "00524000000eEKzAAM", "SystemModstamp": "2022-03-03T10:53:23.000+0000" } ] } } ] }
  3. Product

  4. Inventory Stock Sales Channel

  5. Inventory Source Stock Link

  6. Inventory Stock

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