2.7.184 -
Additional indexes for tnw_salesforce_entity_queue.
Added additional indexes for tnw_salesforce_entity_queue
2.7.183 -
Order sync does not work for guest customer
Fixed issue with synchronization Sales Rep for Guest order
2.7.182 -
Shipment Item mapping: SF Product ID not available
Added ability map here next properties for Shipment item: Product attributes, Order item fields, Shipment fields
Added ability map here next properties for invoice item: Product attributes, Order item fields, Invoice fields
2.7.181 -
Create events for SF ID save.
Added the following events:
2.7.180 -
Sync disable config doesn't take affect to cron jobs
Fixed issue with cron jobs. After disabling module configuration any cron-based work or consumers does not run if the sync is off.
2.7.179 -
Completed records are not cleared from the queue table.
Fixed issue with cleaning records from the queue table
2.7.178 -
Error during closing order (Deadlock issue)
Fixed Deadlock issue appears on admin panel.
Now all record first appears in pressure than in the queue
2.7.177 -
Issue with site speed and webscale.
Improved site speed and webscale
2.7.176 -
Modifying products via M2 import file does not put records in queue
Fixed issue when imported file with products does not put records in queue
2.7.174 -
Queue resync automation
Created a new cron job, for resetting sync status for the records stuck in non-complete status.
2.7.173 -
Error during installation.
Fixed issue with modules installation ( bin/magento setup:install)
2.7.172 -
Invoice Amount does not reflect Tax and Shipping costs
Fixed issue that Invoice Amount does not reflect Tax and Shipping costs. A new SF Invoice package is available with new fields (Sub Total, Tax, Shipping, Discount Amount, Total). Added the default system mappings for the following SF Invoice fields: tnw_invoice_Subtotal__c, tnw_invoice__Discount__c, tnw_invoice__Shipping__c, tnw_invoice__Tax__c, tnw_invoice__Grand_Total__c
2.7.171 -
Slow Queries
Request speed has been increased. Added indexes to speedup sql requests. Improved filtering by status
2.7.170 -
Incorrect Invoice Amount for bundle product
Fixed Issue with Incorrect Invoice Amount for bundle product
2.7.169 -
An exception occurs when trying to change Magento Admin password if connection to SF is lost
Fixed exception when trying to change Magento Admin password if connection to SF is lost (wrong/expired password)
2.7.168 -
Stop the synchronization of the notes
Implemented new functionality: Added "Synchronize Notes" (Yes/No state) option. This option allows to Turn On/Off synchronization of Notes for Invoice and Shipment
2.7.167 -
"Advanced" - "Create Opportunity" option has an incorrect description
Added correct description for "Create Order" and "Create Opportunity" options
2.7.166 -
Incorrect Order sync status on Edit order page
Issue with Incorrect Order sync status on Edit order page Fixed
Issue appeared when "Create Opportunity" Option is set to "No"
2.7.165 -
Upgrade modules on Prod
Fixed issue with rewriting Pricebook id's from the removed product in case if Order_item id and existing product id was the same.
2.7.164 -
"Pending Refresh" Order Grid issue
Fixed issue with incorrect statuses on Order grid after clicking "Refresh Order Grid" button
Fix Order synchronization error when Product is deleted (name case). - Issue fixed
Error code in the sync Queue
Added new column “Error code“ on “From Magento“, “From Magento (old)“, “From Magento Stat“ pages
Fix Order synchronization error when Product is deleted. - Issue fixed
Correct Upset/Insert column on the SFOrder/Opportunity Status mapping pages
SFOrder/Opportunity/Return/B2BQuote Status mappings removed Upset/Insert states. Now Status mappings could be set in Enable/Disable states only
Guest order from the second website is synced if only Default (General) group is allowed for this website - Issue fixed
Dependency for every Queue record
Added ability to Build Graph for Dependency for every Queue record Not only for whole page
Sync Order Status become red exclamation mark when click 'Save and Sync Order' button - Issue fixed
SF -> Magento Account sync - change to existing Company Administrator (exception) - Execption message fixed to correct error message
Error during sync of customers. 'SOAP-ERROR: Encoding: object has no 'leadId' property' - Issue fixed
inappropriate error message appears when try to change Website for System mapping - Issue fixed
SF Opportunity does not receive "Converted Opportunity Status" status - Issue fixed
All options are hidden when "Automated Synchronization" for "Customers" is set to "No" - issue fixed
Manually changed opportunity link does not sync with Salesforce - Issue fixed
Shopping Cart - Configurable Products option description has misspelled words - Issue fixed
Filter does not work for "Synchronization attempt count" columns in "From Magento Stat" grid . "Attention Something went wrong." message appears - Issue fixed
Need to move 'Manage Mappings' item on SF Side bar form 'Modules' to 'Tools' section - Issue fixed
'Leverage Salesforce Leads' option has incorrect description - Issue fixed
There is Misspelled word in 'Convert Opportunity' option description - Issue fixed
Salesforce - Field Mappings - Product grid has incorrect name 'Mapping List: Product2 - Issue fixed
Opportunity Status mapping and Order Status mapping does not have check on "Active" state - Issue fixed
"Standard" Lead Assignment Rule is duplicated in "Lead Assignment Rule" drop-down list - issue fixed
Add 'Default Owner' dropdown for Abandoned Card configuration
Implemented new functionality:
'Default Owner' dropdown is be added to the Salesforce - Abandoned Cart configuration to determine which Owner should be used on Salesforce Opportunity page
'Lead Assignment Rule' option does not take effect - issue fixed
Error on modules config page. An error has happened during application run. See exception log for details.
Fixed exception on modules configuration pages. The issue appears when try to open config pages and Salesforce password was expired or incorrect
Salesforce issue: composite status
Fixed issue during the installation of Salesforce Started version from Marketplace.
Closed Opportunity Date is equal to sync date
Cannot sync contact with Magento
Added Account mapping processing for the reverse sync: SF➝M
Sync from M to SF starting immediately after syncing from SF to M containing empty values - Issue fixed
Products bulk synced From Salesforce to Magento don't sync IDs. - Issue fixed
Use Invoice date as close date" - "No" option does not work - Issue fixed
Salesforce - Configuration - Orders - "Update Order Info (Yes/No)" option does not take any effect
option was removed
Issue: Please select Order Product for selected Order, fields [tnw_shipment__Order_Item__c]
added shipping synchronization to queue as child of invoice synchronization queue.
Salesforce "Email Opt Out" checkbox is always unmarked - Issue fixed
customer Lead Error 'Required fields are missing: [Company], fields [Company]'
Added trim "spaces" in Company name field - > Customer address if company name is empty
Products bulk synced From Salesforce to Magento don't sync IDs. - Issue fixed
All Price book Id are doubled when create tier price - Issue fixed
Mapping settings 'Website' drop-down list should be hidden
“Website' drop-down hidden on edit mapping page
Add pricebook validation
Implemented new functionality:
Possible to assign only a unique pricebook for each Website. Added validation for that.
Skip Order/Opportunity/PricebookEntry sync if the related website pricebook is not defined
Added warning message if the related website pricebook is not defined
'Salesforce Pricebook ID' link is missing in Salesforce tab on Product edit page - Issue fixed
"duplicate value found: tnw_mage_basic__Magento_ID__c" error when sync archived product
Added correct error in “From Magento“ queue with a link on an article about archived product
Synchronization of Magento product with Archived product in Salesforce
Magento customer account information will be synchronized with Salesforce when 'Disable sync' option is set to 'Yes' - Issue fixed
Lead id will be created for Newsletter subscriptions even if 'Leverage Salesforce Leads' is set to No - Issue fixed
Create sql patch to change for Magento to SF
When TNW_SForceEnterprise module is installed "owner" mappings are “insert Only'
When TNW_SForceB2B module is installed all "owner" mappings are changed to “Upsert”
Incorrect link for 'Salesforce Product ID' on product page - Issue fixed
Implement functionality of updating if values in the FROM platform are NULL
Implemented new functionality:
Added a new configuration setting at a field mapping level
Name: “Skip blank values” values (Yes/No)
"Delete converted Lead"=> "Yes" option does not remove "Salesforce Lead Id" link from customer page - Issue fixed
"Enable Contact Roles" - "No" option does not work for Orders - Issue fixed
New configuration setting for disabling tracking numbers sync
Implemented new functionality:
added new setting Salesforce - Shipments - "Enable tracking numbers Synchronization" - values Yes/No
Orders with Zero Grand Total are always synchronized - Issue fixed
Abandoned Cart mappings are hidden
Fixed issue when Abandoned Cart mapping becomes hidden after disabling “Create Opportunity” option
Website column on Abandoned Carts grid
Added “Website“ column on Sales - Abandoned Carts grid
Newsletter Subscribers will be Synchronized for guest user when 'For registered customers only' option is selected - Issue fixed
Newsletter Subscription does not create new Salesforce Contact if qty of registered customers in Magento is less than qty of created Subscriptions - Issue fixed
Abandoned Cart does not sync automatically in Bulk mode - Issue fixed
New products synchronizing only with one pricebook and this pricebook is wrong - Issue fixed
Tracking numbers are not synced in Bulk mode queue - Issue fixed
'Synchronize Salesforce' button does not work on 'Currency rates' page - Issue fixed
Abandoned carts mass action sync issue - Issue fixed for Magento CE version
AR: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column '' in 'where clause', query was: SELECT main_table.entity_id FROM quote AS main_table WHERE (`` IN('136818'))
"NOT LOGGED IN" customer group is missing in Sync All Groups - Customer group list - Issue fixed
Default Owner option for Customer account does not take effect - Issue fixed
Error in Staging related to powersync - Issue fixed
Clients mapping will be added to “Fields mappings extra“ menu
'Create deleted products in Salesforce (Yes/No)' option does not take any effect
The “Create deleted products in Salesforce” option was removed
Opportunity status does not change to "Closed - Won" when order was paid. Status is "Committed" - issue fixed
Customers from not selected customer groups are synchronized - issue fixed
Error during order sync from second website
Fixed error when synchronizing an order from the second website with a product that belongs to both websites
"Lead Source" value does not update - issue fixed
Exception appears when visit Magento admin users page
Fixed error when visiting All Users page in admin panel when integration is disabled
Leads Default Owner option has incorrect description - issue fixed
Move mappings from the menu to the own page
All the mappings are moved to the Manage Mappings page which is in the Configuration section. All “mapping links” are removed from all other menus (eg. sales, products, etc)
PricebookEntry custom field not syncing
Fixed issue with synchronizing of Pricebook Entry custom field
Consumer produce error in system.log
Fixed issue with an error when Data Sync Volume is set to "High Volume"
Customer sync with error 'duplicate value found: tnw_mage_basic__Magento_ID__c duplicates value on record with id:'
An error occurred in sync queue after syncing with Salesforce when creating a Lead first in Salesforce and then on Magento Frontend
Exception appears when create or update mapping - issue fixed
Error "pricebook entry is in a different pricebook" in queue when create order from second website.
Wrong Currency Code on Abandoned Carts page - issue fixed
Empty menu item is present in "Abandoned Cart Status" and "Default Opportunity Draft Status" drop-down lists
Removed empty menu item from “Opportunity Stage Name“ drop-down lists for Abandoned Cart, Default Opportunity Draft Status (Orders), Default Opportunity Status (B2B quote)
Salesforce ID and Sync with Salesforce button are missing on Shopping Cart tab - Issue fixed
Separate consumer for the Bulk check result. Added new consumers to separate Bulk queue
Create & expose new mappings - Added some custom mappings
Improvement Country/State Code sync
Custom QuoteItem (Abandoned cart item) mapping does not work - Fixed mapping from Magento Attribute “Quote item: <items>”
Custom OpportunityLineItem mapping does not work - Fixed mapping from Magento Attribute “Product: <items>”
Tracking Number is removed automatically when Automatic Shipment Synchronization is disabled - Issue fixed
Shipment Item sync error: Missing value for required field(s): Order
Fixed issue with synchronization of Shipment Item (RMA items) in case turned off Order synchronization (Salesforce - Orders - Advanced - Create Order - No)
Wrong created_in field value on sync (SF -> Magento), created_in field cannot be mapped
Added reverse sync for next fields:
created_in with the "Created From" label
store_id with the "Create In" label
Required fields are missing [Product2id]" error when sync order with deleted product - Issue fixed
Change Get to POST on the Queue page.
POST requests are changed to GET on the “From Magento queue“ page
Country/State "-" symbol issue.
Non-alphabetic and non-numeric symbols are trimmed from Stare code when sync with Salesforce
Standard pricebook is not updated correctly.
Implemented new logic: When a product is synchronized we only create new Standard Pricebook entries if do not exist. But not modify/Update them.
Opportunity sync errors - made some improvements
Abandoned Carts grid does not open on Magento CE version - Issue fixed
Upgrade Integration
Fixed issues with tier prices synchronization (multiple websites and currencies)
SF Order and opportunity subtotal has an incorrect value in case of "Which currency should be used - Base store currency" option"
Fixed issue when SF Order and opportunity subtotal received value from the currency selected by the customer instead of base store currency
Configurable products issue
Fixed issue with reverse synchronization of Configurable products. (Child products become visible on Frontnend, Parent product become out-of-stock and lost all child products)
Tier prices are not synchronized.
Fixed issue Tier prices are not synchronized. "Magento Website: id value of incorrect type: a025f000004ntz7..."
Error with Invoice and Shipment sync for Guest checkout.
Fixed issue in sync queue for Guest checkout
Required fields are missing: [tnw_invoice__Billing_Contact__c, tnw_invoice__Shipping_Contact__c], fields [tnw_invoice__Billing_Contact__c, tnw_invoice__Shipping_Contact__c]
SF queue in Magento. Fixed issue when SF queue stops after one error
Delete tracking numbers in Salesforce - option does not work.
Fixed the “Delete tracking numbers in Salesforce“ option. Now removed tracking numbers on the Magneto Shipment page will be removed on the Salesforce Shipment page too
New Abandoned Cart logic
Implemented new logic for Cart/Quote sync process by time limit:
Created a new config page for Abandoned cart sync under Admin panel - Salesforce - Abandoned carts
Updated Order config page: Added the "Opportunity Record type" dropdown config.
3. Updated Negotiable quotes config page: Added the "Record type" dropdown config.Added the RecordType mapping items
Created a new Magento cron job: it runs every 5 minutes
Created a new MQ consumer.
Created a new grid page: admin panel - Sales - Abandoned cart
Improved the Customer page: Added the "Opportunity link" and "Sync with Salesforce" button to the "Shopping cart" tab
Removed old logic where we start Cart sync on the checkout page.
Not all fields are synced - Issue fixed
Telephone not syncing - Issue fixed
Not all fields are synced - Issue fixed
B2BQuote sync problem: multicurrency
We implemented multicurrency support for the B2BQuote sync.
Also, we added the "Which currency should be used" config options and it helps you control the price currency you need to send to the Salesforce
Invoice Grid does not show sync ID - Fixed issue with Salesforce Sync ID was not shown on Invoice grid
Configurable and bundle products do not send Magento Shipment Item. Fixed issue when Configurable and bundle products were not synchronized with Salesforce Magento Shipment Item and shown on the Detail tab
Creating products in Magento from SF/FB proceeds in the wrong way- Issue fixed
Automatic sync order issue - issue fixed
Guest order customer group sync issue. Fixed the "Not logged in" customer group sync issue
Customer configuration page is slow - Issue fixed
Account SalesRep Reverse Sync
Fixed issue when Account updates are not being synced in Magento when changes are made in SF
Product creation SF->M2 doesn't send the Magento ID back to SF - Issue fixed
Added new option “Sync Magento ID“ in Salesforce General Configuration - Advanced menu
could be set to Yes/No - When a record is created in Salesforce, should Magento sync the new ID back after the Magneto record is created.
Configurable Product Options Aren't Syncing on Order. - Issue fixed
Implement sync logic for both product option types: Custom Options and Super Attributes
fix stuck with the "Processing Update Results" status
fix orderOpportunityActivate Required fields are missing: [Name, CloseDate]
Invoice sync is failing - Issue foxed
Order Contact ID mapping to Opportunity and Order line items
Added new customization: Send Order Contact ID (Salesforce contact ID) from Magento to a Salesforce Opportunity Line Item and Order Product
Add new system mapping for Magento Order Number
Added new customization: Send Magento Order Number from Magento to a Salesforce Order
Order status mappings issue
Ability to sync a custom field
implemented a new feature:
Provide the ability to map product PricebookEntry fields.
Added new field mappings under Admin panel -Salesforce - Field mappings Extra - Pricebook Entry
Shipment is automatically synchronized when submitting an invoice but automated synchronization is turned off - Issue fixed
implemented a new feature:
Enable (invoice/shipment) Synchronization - No = skip sync when the record is created, skip sync when the record is updated/created, hide manual sync button
Enable (invoice/shipment) Synchronization - Yes = a new "Enable Automatic Synchronization " dropdown appears.
Enable Automatic Synchronization - Yes = pull record to the queue when the record is created or updated, sync button - add the record to a queue
Enable Automatic Synchronization - No = don't add to the queue when the record is created/updated, add a record to the queue if sync is triggered through our manual sync button only.
System mapping issue - Fixed issue when System mapping become non-system after saving
EXCEEDED_ID_LIMIT: record limit reached. cannot submit more than 200 records into this call
Fixed issue when synchronization of more than 200 products stops with an error
Undefined index: OpportunityLineItem - Issue fixed
Queue sync issue: stuck with Salesforce Update Preparation - Fixed issue when Salesforce queue stuck with Update Preparation status
When the Opportunity sync is fully done
We implemented a new feature: "Default Opportunity Draft Status" - this status detects the current Opportunity update is in progress. Once all Opportunity data is sent - we change status according to the mapping
Cyclic dependency in catalog_product_edit.xml - Issue fixed
JS Conflict with AvaTax - Issue fixed
Tracking numbers are not coming to SF - Issue fixed
Newly configured SF->M2 error: Column 'status' cannot be null - Issue fixed
M+SF Sync order sync issue (products) - Issue fixed
Opportunity line items were duplicated when placing an order. At that moment the Cart was already synchronized, but the Cart products were not yet.
Newly configured SF->M2 error: Column 'status' cannot be null - issue fixed
Correct dependencies parse logic
Past order sync max_input_vars
Address Location Remap to Enable Processing East/Fraud - added “Convert Opportunity” (Yes/No) Option
Order from deleted website sync
1408219410 B2B Quote sync issue (If not additional information is defined for the B2BQuote - it causes the next error: No such entity with quote_id = 1246 [] [])
SF-M product sync issue (skip product sync is not linked to configured Magento pricebook and only sync products with Magento if there is at least one pricebook entry linking this product to at least one website).
SF-M Product sync: detect assigned websites by the Pricebooks
The latest module version has a new "Sync with all Pricebooks" config option, the default value is "Yes".
If we talk about SF->M sync logic, it has the following effect
Yes - products will be synchronized with all pricebooks linked to every Magento website.
No - products will ONLY be synchronized with pricebooks from the websites the product is available for (recommended).
Opportunity sync - empty Account - issue fixed
The opportunity amount is $0.00, deleting items that should NOT be deleting - issue fixed
Lead conversion feature (config): new config setting
Lead conversion feature (config): logic
Item cleanup fatal - issue fixed
"Required fields are missing: [OpportunityId]" - issue fixed
State picklist - issue fixed
Fix di issue
Improvement: Country/State picklist code automatic detection
Subscriber sync issue (Email: invalid email address) - issue fixed
Items not added to the sync queue from the order page (shipment is not automatically added to the sync queue.) - issue fixed
Deleted entities sync issue (This problem appears with the "Bulk/System scheduler/High Volume" sync mode) - issue fixed
Sync issue: delete action error in the new code EXCEEDED_ID_LIMIT - issue fixed
Realtime sync attempt count - issue fixed (Re-sync failed records 5 times logic.)
B2BQuote Item/Contactrole sync issue - issue fixed
Reverse sync issue fix - issue fixed
M->SF Sync issues
The New Queue page doesn't show Order items sometimes
Some Order items fail with the "Incorrect Pricebook" error.
Shipment/Invoice sync fails with the error about missed required Contact field data
Configuration section UX changes:
Configuration > TNW Salesforce > General Configuration (section) change the "General" section label to "Extensions & Information"
Rename "Synchronization" Section to "Advanced"
Add a new dropdown setting hereIntegration Mode Values: “Magento to Salesforce (only)” (Default) and “Bi-directional”
Magento to Salesforce (only) - The data will only flow from Magento to Salesforce. If any data comes from Salesforce, it will be ignored.
Bi-directional - The data will flow in both directions per your configuration on both platforms.
Move "Developer Mode" dropdown “Advanced” this section
Remove "Last CRON execution dates" for old corn jobs we are no longer using
Change the "Synchronization Type" label to "Data Volume"
Change the field description to "Set this to High Volume if you are struggling to stay within Salesforce daily API limits or if you prefer to leverage Salesforce Bulk API."
Change "System Scheduled" to "High Volume"
Change "Realtime" to "Standard"
Change "State and Country Picklists" section label to "General"
Move "Message Queue" to to "General" section
Change "Enabled" to "State & Country Picklists"
Change "Yes" to "Enabled"
Change "No" to "Disabled"
Change the description to "Check with your Salesforce Administrator if you need to enable or disable this setting."
One-way mode (changes)
Configuration > TNW Salesforce > General Configuration > Advanced (tab).
If "Integration Mode" = "Bi-directional" - keep everything as-is.
If "Integration Mode" = "Magento to Salesforce (only)" - implement the following changes:
Configuration > TNW Salesforce > Customers (section) - Hide "From Salesforce" section completely
Configuration > TNW Salesforce > Orders (section) - Hide "From Salesforce" section completely
In Magento, Salesforce (main menu) - Hide "From Salesforce" link under "Queues" section
For all mapping list pages - Hide "Sf to Magento" column from the grid
For all "new" and "edit" mapping pages - Hide "Salesforce -> Magento Settings" section
Move RabbitMQ feature to the SForceEnterprise version
SF->M sync issue
Queue entities relation save - issue fixed
Show item status "Pending" - SyncStatus classes
Show item status "Pending"
Show item status "Pending": Newsletter Subscribers grid fix
Show item status "Pending": Refactoring
Show item status "Pending": Order Grid refresh
Inherit order owner from the Account record
Show item status "Pending": Order Grid refresh
Disabling configuration for a specific store
Cleanup dependencies in the Queue: Order-Customer dependencies
Notice: Undefined offset for OpportunityItemCleanup - fixed
Order Calculations changing upon sync with Salesforce
B2BQuoteItem sync fix: check if item deleted - issue fixed
Sync Queue (redesign): Add the composite_status field
Sync Queue (redesign): Display records with the same code
Sync Queue (redesign): Tree-grid columns changes
Sync Queue (redesign): Blocked status issue
B2BQuoteItem sync fix: check if item deleted
amqp fix rabbit mq issue
SFM-9: Sync queue grid hierarchy redesign
SFM-9: Status icons
Sync Queue (redesign): visualization changes
Sync Queue (redesign): Get relatives grid data
Sync Queue (redesign): Two Sync Queue variants
Sync Queue (redesign): Dropdown select options in the filter
Sync Queue (redesign): Relation visualization
Sync Queue (redesign): Fix relationship inversion
Sync Queue (redesign): Sort Queue grid items by sync order
Sync Queue (redesign): Grid redesignSync Queue (redesign): Clean up first expand level
Sync Queue (redesign): Relation changes for Shipment and for Invoice
Sync Queue (redesign): Zero-level status
bulk run moved to MQ
Sync Queue (redesign): Add zero-level partial-error status
Sync Queue (redesign): Status filter issue
Sync Queue (redesign): Remove redundant child records
Sync Queue (redesign): New statuses
Sync Queue (redesign): Remove mockup
Remove SF JOB cache because in the async mq process it causes an issue: Failed to create batch since the Job is not Open. The current job state is 'Closed'