Create a product: Internet Subscription
Create a product: Internet Subscription
This tutorial is geared for a merchant who is selling services and where customers are subscribing for various levels of memberships.
In this example let's imagine a basic scenario of an Internet service provider who is selling plans to Residential customers. We will be setting up two plans: Basic $49.99/mo and Ultimate $79.99/mo
Step-by-step guide
There are multiple ways to go about this, but we will focus on a basic setup with two different virtual products.
- Creating "Basic Plan" product
- Product Name:Basic Internet Plan
- SKU: IP01
- Price: $69.99 (original price)
- Click on Advanced Inventory link
- Change Manage Stock to "No"
- Click Done
- At this point our basic product setup is complete
- Scroll down to Subscription Options section and open it
- Available For: Recurring Purchase Only
- Is Trial Offered: Off (we kept this of for this basic demonstration)
- Start Date: Last Day of the Current Month (since we want to bill people at the end of the month)
- Lock Product Price: Off (will allow us to set a custom price for each billing frequency)
- Unlock Preset Qty: Off
- At this point basic configuration of a subscription is done
- Now, let's connect this product to a Monthly billing frequency (how to set up a billing frequency)
- Click on Add New button
- Select "Monthly" in the Billing Frequency drop down
- Set the Price to "49.99"
- Set the Initial Fee to "20.00" (since we want to charge $20.00 for the account creation and modem installation)
- Click Save to save the product
- Creating "Ultimate Plan" product
- Repeat the same steps above the the only two differences will be:
- a different product name, SKU
- different price for a Monthly billing frequency. Instead of 49.99, you will type in 79.99
- Repeat the same steps above the the only two differences will be:
You can simply extend this product offering to support Annual plans for a different price. Its as simple as adding a new Billing Frequency and Adding a new Recurring Option to both products.
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