Billing Frequency

Billing Frequency

Billing Frequency is a predefined billable period of time which a merchant can set up to be used to sell products on recurring basis. Billing Frequency has the following properties:

  • Enabled - This property controls whether or not the pre-defined Billing Frequency is available in product configuration and in your website
  • Website - Defines scope of the Billing Frequency
  • Label - The name of the Billing Frequency (eg. Monthly, Weekly, Annual, Semi-Annual, etc.)
  • Unit - Units to be used to configure the length of the pre-defined billing frequency (eg. Days or Months)
  • Frequency - Numeric value that will be used in combination with the Unit to define the length of the Billing Frequency


Example 1:


Result: Any products tied to this Billing frequency will be shipped and billed every quarter.

Example 2:


Result: Any products tied to this Billing frequency will be shipped and billed every year.

Example 3:


Result: Any products tied to this Billing frequency will be shipped and billed every week.

Linked Products:

The merchant has an ability to add new products into a billing frequency and be able to perform mass updates to all products tied to this billing frequency

  • Products can be removed from the billing frequency
  • Products can be added to the billing frequency
  • Quick mass changes to the product prices, product initial fee and preset quantity can be done via this interface

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