The error like “INVALID_TYPE: sObject type 'tnw_mage_basic__Magento_Website__c' is not supported.“ could happen for different reasons:

  1. You may need to update WSDL file and upload a new file version to the Magento

  2. You need to refresh your Magento storage cache

  3. This is the Salesforce issue / a temporary problem


  1. Generate new Enterprise WSDL file in your Salesforce org and upload it to the Magento


    2. Paid Package

  2. If that does not help - refresh your Magento and Magento Storage Cache


  3. If it does not help solve the problem, it could be related to a temporary Salesforce issue. As a workaround, you can make the following temporary fix:

    1. Open your Enterprise WSDL file in any text editor

    2. Find the “Soap Service Endpoint“ section at the bottom of this file, it should look like this:

          <!-- Soap Service Endpoint -->
          <service name="SforceService">
              <documentation>Sforce SOAP API</documentation>
              <port binding="tns:SoapBinding" name="Soap">
                  <soap:address location=""/>


c. You will need to modify the URL after the “location=“ string and remove the last “/“ symbol and a string after it. In our case, it’s “/0DF1p0000007EGj

Your WSDL file could contain a different URL!

d. The result should be:

    <!-- Soap Service Endpoint -->
    <service name="SforceService">
        <documentation>Sforce SOAP API</documentation>
        <port binding="tns:SoapBinding" name="Soap">
            <soap:address location=""/>

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