The mapping feature allows you define which data should be transferred between Magento and Salesforce systems through the sync process.
It's available for the following entities:
- Magento Customer
- Contact
- Account
- Lead
- Magento Product
- Product
- Product inventory
- Magento Order
- Order
- Order item
- Opportunity
- Opportunity item
- Order status
- Opportunity status
- Magento Shipment
- Shipment
- Shipment items
- Magento Invoice
- Invoice
- Invoice items
On the special page you'll see the list of the available Salesforce and Magento entity properties and can map them. The mapping supports the "simple" properties, i.e. property has one value.
Magento Customer
Magento Product mapping:
Magento Order mapping
Magento Shipment
Magento Invoice