In addition to the editing capabilities, merchants can see key metrics for the profile (eg. Current profile value, projected annual value, and profit).
In case of incorrect calculations (e.g. due to some cron or RabbitMQ issues) there is a possibility to recalculate the Subscription Profile’s metrics for a certain Subscription Profile.
To do so, you should execute the bin/magento tnw_subscriptions:profit *profile_nuber*
command in Terminal.
Note: only profile numbers should be used, without prefixes. If you want to recalculate the #S-15 Subscription Profile, then you should execute bin/magento tnw_subscriptions:profit 15
'Subscription Profile Page' contains the following tabs:
Additional Attributes tab contains additional information with editing capabilities about custom attributes if such attributes exist
Order History tab contains order information which includes order number, status, billing to name and shipping to name, purcchase date, shipping details and grand total. Admin is also able to proceed to the Order page
Change History tab contains Subscription Change History, all actions or changes concerning to subscription profile will be displayed here, Admin is also able to add a comment and send it to the customer