Salesforce field access changes

Salesforce field access changes


  1. Navigate to "Setup" > "Build" > "Customize" > "Leads" > "Fields"
    1. Click on "Map Lead Fields"
      1. Map "Magento ID" to "Contact.Magento ID"
      2. Map "Website" to "Contact.Magento Website"
      3. Save changes
    2. Click on "Email Opt Out" link (NOT the "Edit" next to it, but the actual name)
      1. Click on "Set Field Level Security" and make sure the field is "visible" to API user you plan on using
    3. Click on "Magento Website" link (NOT the "Edit" next to it, but the actual name)
      1. Click on "Set Field Level Security" and make sure the field is "visible" to API user you plan on using
  2. Navigate to "Setup" > "Build" > "Customize" > "Contacts" > "Fields"
    1. Click on "Email Opt Out" link (NOT the "Edit" next to it, but the actual name)
      1. Click on "Set Field Level Security" and make sure the field is "visible" to API user you plan on using
    2. Click on "Magento Website" link (NOT the "Edit" next to it, but the actual name)
      1. Click on "Set Field Level Security" and make sure the field is "visible" to API user you plan on using
  3. Navigate to "Setup" > "Build" > "Customize" > "Opportunity" > "Fields"
    1. Click on "Magento Website" link (NOT the "Edit" next to it, but the actual name)
      1. Click on "Set Field Level Security" and make sure the field is "visible" to API user you plan on using
  4. Navigate to "Setup" > "Build" > "Customize" > "Order" > "Fields"
    1. Click on "Magento Website" link (NOT the "Edit" next to it, but the actual name)
      1. Click on "Set Field Level Security" and make sure the field is "visible" to API user you plan on using
    2. Click on "BillToContact" link (NOT the "Edit" next to it, but the actual name)
      1. Click on "Set Field Level Secur ity" and make sure the field is "visible" to API user you plan on using
    3. Click on "ShippToContact" link (NOT the "Edit" next to it, but the actual name)
      1. Click on "Set Field Level Security" and make sure the field is "visible" to API user you plan on using
    4. Click on "Opportunity" link (NOT the "Edit" next to it, but the actual name)
      1. Click on "Set Field Level Security" and make sure the field is "visible" to API user you plan on using
    5. Click on "Order Name" link (NOT the "Edit" next to it, but the actual name)
      1. Click on "Set Field Level Security" and make sure the field is "visible" to API user you plan on using
  5. (Optional) Update Contact, Lead and Opportunity layouts and make "Magento ID" and "Website" fields visible

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