Magento 1 Attribute Mappings

Magento 1 Attribute Mappings

You can customize mappings for almost ALL objects we allow you to synchronize with Salesforce. You can find all our mapping pages under "Salesforce (tab) > Field Mappings (menu item)". 

We will only show you how to manage / create new mappipngs for a product to explain a general concept. If you have any specific questions, please contact us directly.

Example: Product Mappings

When you navigate to a mappings page you will see the list of System Mappings and Custom Mappings

  • System Mappings - are the mappings you have very little control over as they are critical to the integration.
  • Custom Mappings - are the mappings you can easily delete and create.

If you need to create a new mapping you simply click on the "Add New Mapping" button at the top right-hand corner and you will be sent to the page that looks like the screenshot below.

  • Mapping Information
    • Salesforce Name - is the searchable drop-down of all available fields in Salesforce for the object. The list of fields will include custom and native Salesforce fields.
    • Local name - is the searchable drop-down of all available fields in Magento for the object. The list of fields will include custom and native Magento fields.
    • Default Value - if the value in Salesforce is empty, you can specify a default value you want Magento to send to Salesforce.
  • Magento to Salesforce Settings and Salesforce to Magento Settings
    • Enable - allows you to send data for this field from Magento into Salesforce
    • When - grants a granular control WHEN the date should be sent to the other system (Ability to specify the SoR "System of Record" at the field level)