Important Note!

We strongly recommend upgrading the current module versions to the latest versions for Magento 2.4.3 (Magento 2 Connector) before the upgrading to the latest versions for Magento 2.4.4

Latest Versions



Magento Commerce

(aka. OpenSource)

Adobe Commerce

(Adobe Commerce Cloud)

Adobe Commerce

(Adobe Commerce Cloud)

+ Native B2B extension









































Installation/Upgrade Instructions

We advise installing Magento extensions via composer.

STEP 1 - Register new composer repository

STEP 2 - Enable maintenance mode

bin/magento maintenance:enable

Before the upgrade process stop all background scripts on your server:

  • cron jobs

  • consumers - you can use some command like this:

    kill $(ps aux | grep 'queue:consumer[s]\?:start' | awk '{print $2}')

    ask your server admin to help with that

STEP 3 - Install the product via composer

composer require        --no-update

composer upgrade tnw/marketing tnw/soap-client tnw/salesforce tnw/sforceenterprise tnw/sforcecustomergroup tnw/sforcetierprice tnw/sforcerma tnw/sforcequickorder

composer require        tnw/b2b= --no-update

composer upgrade tnw/marketing tnw/soap-client tnw/salesforce tnw/sforceenterprise tnw/sforcecustomergroup tnw/sforcetierprice tnw/sforcerma tnw/sforcequickorder tnw/sforceb2b tnw/b2b

composer require       --no-update

composer upgrade tnw/marketing tnw/soap-client tnw/salesforce tnw/sforceenterprise tnw/sforcecustomergroup tnw/sforcetierprice tnw/sforcequickorder


Follow instructions only if you are using Magento 2.3.5 - 2.4.3. 

Follow instructions only if you are using Magento 2.3.5 - 2.4.3. 


Follow Magento 2: Magento Extension Upgrade to 2.6 instructions only if you are using TNW_Salesforce 2.5. 

Follow Magento 2: Magento Extension Upgrade to 2.6 instructions only if you are using TNW_Salesforce 2.5. 

If you are still using Magento 2.2, use the following command to install an older version of our integration. The latest version of the integration only works with Magento platform version 2.3.5 and above.

composer require tnw/soap-client=1.1.1 tnw/salesforce=2.5.30  tnw/sforcebusiness=2.5.27 tnw/sforceenterprise=2.5.21

STEP 4 - Performing Magento upgrade

Re-save configuration pages after the upgrade

Download composer packages

If you must download any of the modules via composer, use the example below:

composer archive -fzip MODULE_NAME MODULE_VERSION


composer archive -fzip tnw/soap-client 1.1.1

Please be advised that we don’t recommend going this route. Our support does not cover installation issues and/or upgrades if this method is used.


If you want to remove all Database changes our module made, use the following sql queries:

alter table admin_user
    drop column  tnw_token;

alter table admin_user
    drop column  tnw_token_creed_at;

alter table customer_grid_flat
    drop column  sforce_account_id;

alter table customer_grid_flat
    drop column  sforce_id;

alter table customer_grid_flat
    drop column  sforce_lead_id;

alter table customer_grid_flat
    drop column  sforce_sync_status;

alter table magento_sales_invoice_grid_archive
    drop column  salesforce_id;

alter table magento_sales_order_grid_archive
    drop column  order_id_salesforce;

alter table magento_sales_order_grid_archive
    drop column  opportunity_id_salesforce;

alter table magento_sales_order_grid_archive
    drop column  sforce_sync_status;

alter table magento_sales_order_grid_archive
    drop column  sforce_detail_status;

alter table magento_sales_shipment_grid_archive
    drop column  salesforce_id;

alter table quote
    drop column  need_resync;

alter table sales_invoice_grid
    drop column  salesforce_id;

alter table sales_order_grid
    drop column  order_id_salesforce;

alter table sales_order_grid
    drop column  opportunity_id_salesforce;

alter table sales_order_grid
    drop column  sforce_sync_status;

alter table sales_order_grid
    drop column  sforce_detail_status;

alter table sales_shipment_grid
    drop column  salesforce_id;

drop table if exists salesforce_objects;

alter table store_website
    drop column  salesforce_id;

alter table store_website
    drop column  default_pricebook;

drop table if exists tnw_salesforce_cron_work;

drop table if exists tnw_salesforce_entity_prequeue;

drop table if exists tnw_salesforce_entity_queue_relation;

drop table if exists tnw_salesforce_entity_queue;

drop table if exists tnw_salesforce_field_mappings;

drop table if exists tnw_salesforce_log;

drop table if exists tnw_salesforce_mapper;

drop table if exists tnw_salesforce_objects;

drop table if exists tnw_salesforce_queue;

DELETE FROM `core_config_data` WHERE path LIKE 'tnw_%' OR path LIKE 'tnwsforce%';
DELETE FROM `eav_attribute_group` WHERE attribute_group_code = 'Salesforce';
DELETE FROM `eav_attribute` WHERE attribute_code = 'sforce_account_id';
DELETE FROM `eav_attribute` WHERE attribute_code = 'sforce_disable_sync';
DELETE FROM `eav_attribute` WHERE attribute_code = 'sforce_id';
DELETE FROM `eav_attribute` WHERE attribute_code = 'sforce_lead_id';
DELETE FROM `eav_attribute` WHERE attribute_code = 'sforce_pricebook_id';
DELETE FROM `eav_attribute` WHERE attribute_code = 'sforce_sync_status';
DELETE FROM `patch_list` WHERE patch_name LIKE 'TNW\\\\%';
DELETE FROM `setup_module` WHERE module LIKE 'TNW_%';

Your actual database may doesn’t have some changes described in these queries and you should use the -f flag for the mysql coomand to ignore unnecessary changes.

Example: save these queries to the cleanup.sql file and run queries with -f flag for the magentodb database:

mysql -umysqladmin -ppassword magentodb -f < cleanup.sql


Remove our module codebase and run the db:upgrade and setup:di:compile commands.

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