Order from deleted website sync
B2B Quote sync issue
The opportunity amount is $0.00, deleting items that should NOT be deleting - issue fixed
The order created from the Magento Quote must be linked with the Opportunity that is linked to the Magento Quote - issue fixed
Opportunity name must inherit the last quote name from Magento - issue fixed
Opportunity duplication (when using Magento B2B) - issue fixed
Correct Admin area menu for the B2BSforce module - issue fixed
Opportunity Name updates (w/ B2B integration)
Opportunity duplication on Quote Edit: New name radio button - issue fixed
Customer sync failed (issue with SF IDs) - issue fixed
OpportunityID missing - issue fixed
"Required fields are missing: [OpportunityId]" - issue fixed
Opportunity duplication on Quote Edit: Parent Quote ID field - issue fixed
Opportunity duplication on Quote Edit: New radio button - issue fixed
Amount is not populated - issue fixed
B2BQuote infinity loading - issue fixed
B2BQuote Items with deleted products sync - issue fixed
Ordered B2BQuote sync improvement
B2BQuote fields sync - issue fixed
B2BQuote Item/Contactrole sync - issue fixed
Config improvement
B2B/EL Quote sync: when we create Order from the Quote - it creates double Opportunities - issue fixed
Show item status "Pending"
Inherit order owner from the Account record
Cleanup dependencies in the Queue
Admin user sync - issue fixed
Notice: Undefined offset for OpportunityItemCleanup - issue fixed
B2BOpportunityItem/ContactRole sync fix: check if ordered already - issue fixed
B2BQuoteItem sync fix: check if item deleted
RabbitMQ fix