To start synchronizing your orders with Salesforce you need to set desired settings on the Salesforce Orders Configuration page

Order Configuration tab

1. Automated Synchronization - Yes

Created orders and any changes with them will be automatically synchronized.

2. Zero Grand Total - Synchronize

Will synchronize orders with zero grand total

3. Synchronize Order Notes - Yes

Will Attach Magento order notes to the Order notes in Salesforce

4. Default Status - Draft

Orders will be placed in this Draft status when Magento needs to make updates. IMPORTANT: Default status must be from the Draft status group in Salesforce.

5. Sync all orders - Yes

Synchronize all orders regardless of Magento status

Advanced tab

1. Create Order - For Paid order

2. Create Opportunity - No

All information about the orders is sent to Salesforce according to the fields mapping

Also, you have the ability to create your own custom mappings

Now let's check how the Orders synchronization works

As you can see “Salesforce Order ID“ column is empty and the “Salesforce Sync Status“ is a red exclamation mark. According to the “Create Order“ option, Salesforce Order will be created when an order in Magento is invoiced.

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