
To start synchronizing your products with Salesforce you need to set desired settings on the Salesforce Products Configuration page

  1. Automated Synchronization - Yes

Newly created products and any changes made in existing products will be automatically synchronized with Salesforce

2. Sync with all Pricebooks - No

Product will be synchronized with assigned website pricebooks except inactive website for the product at the moment. It will reduce the time and queue for synchronization

3. Price accuracy - $100.12

This option set rounding in two points after dot.


All information about the product is set to Salesforce according to the fields mapping

This is the default Product fields mapping

Also, you have the ability to create your own custom mappings. Let's try to create a new mapping

As you can see we do not have a “Short Description” Salesforce Attribute. In this case, you need to create a new Attribute in Salesforce

Now, let's complete creating new custom product mapping


The product description is sent to Salesforce with HTML tags to keep text format

Let's make some changes with the product and see the result in Salesforce after automatical synchronization

As you can see Product Name was not changed. This is because “InsertOnly“ mode selected for Product Name mapping

Product price was updated and rounded according to the “Price accuracy“ setting

If you need your product name to be updated in Salesforce just select “Upsert“ mode

Now let's perform manual synchronization to see the change was applied

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