2.9.55 -
Sync SQL optimization: improve delete from the Queue dependency
Implemented new "Use extended Queue cleanup logic" option
Old logic ("No" option) - it will delete successful Queue records from the "tail" one-by-one
New logic ("Yes" option) - will delete successful records if it's "child" records are successful too. I.e. could be deleted record from the middle of dependency.
2.8.54 -
Consumers optimization: spawn a new messages on Memory limit restart
Implemented mechanism spawn a new messages on Memory limit restart
2.9.53 -
Performance issue, spikes ~5 min
Added a new conditions, this cron will works only if the both following options enabled:
Refresh grids
Reset Order Sync Statuses
2.9.52 -
CU-86853knw2 - Order sync issue: Call to a member function addData() on null
Fixed order sync issue with virtual products placed as Guest user
2.9.51 -
Individual Cron Group for each cron job
created individual Cron Group for each command to be able enable/disable them individually
2.9.50 -
Cron jobs performance
2.9.49 -
Individual Cron Group for each cron job
created individual Cron Group for each command to be able enable/disable them individually
2.9.48 -
Dependency Queue issue
Fixed Dependency Queue issue
2.9.47 -
Reindex issue: optimize SQL queries
Reindex issue: optimized SQL queries. changed sub-select to the LeftJoins
2.9.46 -
Delete/Reset record from the queue
implemented functionality that allows deleting/Reset a record and its dependencies from the queue
2.9.45 -
Sorting by Dependents column on Old From Mangeto grid brokes the page "Attention Something went wrong."
Disabled Sorting by Dependents column on Old From Mangeto grid
2.9.44 -
SF Account and Contact receive incorrect owner from Lead
Fixed issue with inheriting owner from Lead when it was changed on SF side
2.9.43 -
Opportunity owner does not inherit for Lead
Fixed issue with inheriting owner from Lead to Opportunity
2.9.42 -
[Addressbook] Country and State for location Account does not sync
Fixed Country and State synchronization for location Account
2.9.41 -
Product sync stuck in "Scheduled" status if remove product
Fixed isuue with re-sync on new queue grid
2.9.40 -
Undefined index: Account
Fixed isuue with Account sync ("Notice: Undefined index: Account in" ) issue could appears if some customer has SalesforceContactId, but doesn't have SalesforceAccountId
2.9.39 -
Custom date field values on Product become a day earlier on sync SF-> M2
Fixed issue with date field values on Products synchronization
2.9.38 -
Account lookup logic
Implemented new Account lookup logic (Create new Account and Contact for customers with the same First and Last name and different emails)
2.9.37 -
Incorrect status for synced Product
Fixed issue when sync status does not change after clicking on Process link in queue
2.9.36 -
Error 'Call to a member function getReservedOrderId() on null' in the queue
Fixed issue with Abandoned Cart sync
2.9.35 -
Error 'duplicate value found' in the queue
Fixed issue 'duplicate value found' in the queue with abandoned cart item
2.9.34 -
[Improvement] Creating new logic for dependency for M-SF sync Phase 2
Created new logic for dependency
2.9.33 -
Account lookup logic
Implemented new Account lookup logic (Create new Account and Contact for customers with the same First and Last name and different emails)
2.9.31 -
Error in Queue during Order and Opportunity reverse sync
Fixed issue with the Opportunity reverse sync on the version 245ce
2.9.30 -
Orders are not being synced
Fixed issue related to the "Lookup" logic:
if "multicurrency" feature enabled - the SQL query Lookup was incorrect and loads PricebookEntries for all products.
If Person account feature enabled - the SQL query Lookup was incorrect and loads BusinessAccount LookuoByName for all customers.
2.9.29 -
Errors during the sync of StockNotification
Fixed issue with the sync of StockNotification
2.9.28 -
SF -> M Error in SF Magneto queue when sync Contact without address
Fixed error in queue if sync Contact without address SF -> M
2.9.27 -
Error in queue if automatic synchronization is disabled for shipment
Fixed error in queue if automatic synchronization is disabled for shipment
2.9.26 -
Modules performance improvement:
fixed collection grouping
optimized selection
OrderItem sync: skip pricebook condition
QuoteItem(AbandonedCartItem) sync: skip pricebook condition
B2BQuoteItem sync: skip pricebook condition
Implemented new option "Skip PricebokEntry sync". The related Product wouldn't be added to the sync Queue if they are already synced
Resync Frozen doesnt work with Realtime
Resync Frozen queue option values changed to minutes
Correct Queue datatime filters
Corrected Queue datetime. Server date is saved in database
Check memory usage for consumers
Implemented new option "Memory limit for consumer". This option restart consumer when it exceeds memory limit
2.9.25 -
Show tnwsforce_order/grid_updates config
Added new "Reset Order Sync Statuses" option under "Debug and Logging" section
2.9.24 -
Required fields are missing: [Product2Id], fields [Product2Id] error when sync deleted product
Fixed problems with orderItem object if product already deleted before sync. Fixed problems with orderInvoicItem sync with deleted product. Added dependencies from the processing step
2.9.23 -
Refactoring: spl_object_id to spl_object_hash
Changed spl_object_id function to the spl_object_hash
2.9.22 -
On order edit, old order does not get synced
Fixed sync issue when Edit - Submit new order. Previous Opportunity is synced as Closed won. New SF Oreder and SF Opportunity is create for new Magento order version
2.9.21 -
Error during Invoice sync
Fixed issue with synchronization of two and more bundle products
2.9.20 -
Accounts are merged when Account names are not equal
Fixed Account merging by "company" name in Customer Billing Address
2.9.19 -
Fixed deadlock issue for Magento CE
Fixed tier price sync issue for Magento CE
Implemented new features: Sync of product Scheduled Updates.
implemented new features Automatical restart consumers when Store config (any) updated, Magento website updated, Some mapping updated, Scheduled product updates (id unabled)
2.9.18 -
Required fields are missing: [OpportunityId], fields [OpportunityId] when sync Order without Opportunity
Fixed issue Required fields are missing: [OpportunityId], when sync completed Order without Opportunity
2.9.17 -
Some records stuck in Salesforce Update Preparation status
Fixed issue with recirds which stuck in Salesforce Update Preparation status. Removed batches with state 'Queued' and 'InProgress' from caching
2.9.16 -
Error in queue when manually synchronize invoice or shipment
Fixed issue when manually sync Invoice and Shipment (Required fields are missing)
2.9.15 -
Error REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING when re-sync order
Fixed Error REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING when remove Magento ID mappings and re-sync order
2.9.14 -
[Improvement] Skip Opportunity synchronization in Closed - Lost status
After receiving Closed - Lost status Opportunity Stage will not be changed
2.9.13 -
Release performance, part 3:
Optimize newsletter subscriber load
Group parent queues and preload
Optimize method \TNW\Salesforce\Model\Queue::dependenceByCode
Optimize load from negotiable repository
OptimizeTNW_B2BAddressBookSalesforce module
Optimize columns selects on collection method
Preload Billing and Shipping addresses for orders and order customers
Preload order items
Optimize negotiable quote cart repository load
Optimize load company from cache in TNW_B2BSforce plugin
Optimize Order activate LoadByOrderStatus
Issues Fixed:
Customer EAV sub-entity does not sync
Fixed Issue when Customer EAV sub-entity does not sync after creating more that 60 custom attributes and mappings for them
MariaDB has the same maximum number of 61 tables in a join as Mysq
Fixed issue with SQL: "Too many tables; MariaDB can only use 61 tables in a join, query"
REQUEST_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: TotalRequests Limit exceeded. issues
Corrected error messages, added link to Wiki page about this issue
Some records stuck in Salesforce Update Preparation status - issue fixed
2.9.12 -
SF->M Created SF Invoice does not sync to Magento
Added correct error message when try to sync Invoice without product from SF to Magento
2.9.11 -
"Refresh Order Grid" button does not work - Fixed issue
2.9.10 -
SF -> M "ERROR. Can not create Invoice\nCannot create an invoice without products." when creating invoice - Issue fixed
2.9.9 -
Skip Opportunity synchronization in Closed - Won status
Improved Opportunity synchronization in Closed - Won status. Closed - Won status does not change to Draft status
2.9.8 -
Release performance, part 2:
ProcessQueue Consumer. Entity loader
Prequeue Consumer. Optimize selects which run queue creates
Incorrect dependency for Non standard Price book entry
Prequeue Consumer . Optimize selects which run queue creates
Consumers . Implement clean local cache to classes
Prequeue Consumer . Optimize queue create calls.
Hide columns when the sync is disabled
ProcessQueue Consumer. Load customer attributes (For 2000 customers - 4000 times)
ProcessQueue Consumer. Customer address entity select (For 2000 customer - 2000 times)
Error Fetching http headers. Incorrect SQL request on Lookup
Sub-select on Grid pages
2.9.7 -
Opportunity product does not sync for manually changed opportunity
Fixed issue when Opportunity product does not sync for manually changed opportunity
2.9.6 -
(Customization) Сhange Opportunity Name
A new field added to the mapping page: "Format value"
2.9.5 -
Error during Accounts merging
moved company part to the sforceb2b module
Fixed issue with Accounts merging
2.9.4 -
Salesforce Account name is not applied from the Customer address "Company" field
Fixed issue when Account name does not apply from Customer address "Company" field
2.9.3 -
Description in Opportunity is missing in SF
added out of the box Description mapping for the :
Order➝ SFOrder
Order ➝ SFOpportunity
2.9.2 -
FIxed issue with reverse shipping synchronization (Changing status in Magento, INVALID_QUERY_FILTER_OPERATOR:)
2.9.1 -
Synchronization does not work on Starter module version
FIxed Issue with consumers on Starter module version
2.9.0 -
Huge performance update:
Accelerating the \TNW\Salesforce\Model\ResourceModel\Objects::loadObjectIds Method
PreQueue Consumer. Optimize buildDependency method
ProcessQueue Consumer. Reducing the number of requests to the database when processing the queue tree
Prequeue Consumer . Optimize skip rules for all object types.
ProcessQueue Consumer. Append cache to method (for 2000 customer sync called 4000 times)
ProcessQueue Consumer. Mapping step working very slow.
ProcessQueue Consumer. Create multiple save queues.
'Disable sync' option doesn't' work on the product page in Admin Panel - issue fixed
Pricebook entry sync error Required fields are missing: [Product2Id], fields [Product2Id] - issue fixed
Serialization failure: 1213 Deadlock found when trying to get lock when Sycn Orders (qty 5400)) - issue fixed
Opportunity sync error Required fields are missing: [Name, CloseDate], fields [Name, CloseDate] - issue fixed
2.7.207 -
Shipment sync: Opportunity field sometimes not populating
Added Shipment and Invoice dependencies with Magento order
2.7.206 -
Opportunity sync error Required fields are missing: [Name, CloseDate], fields [Name, CloseDate]
Opportunity sync dependencies fixed
2.7.205 -
A new products form issue with some php settings
2.7.204 -
[Improvements] Cleanup command removes only a few records from the Queue
Improved Cleanup command. Added new options:
Items count we delete in the Queue in a batch
Algorithm to get cleanup candidates (Multy Query, Left Join Query )
2.7.203 -
Check module re-install process.
Added reverse sync for next fields:
created_in with the "Created From" label
store_id with the "Create In" label
Required fields are missing [Product2id]" error when sync order with deleted product - Issue fixed
Implemented new logic for Cart/Quote sync process by time limit:
Created a new config page for Abandoned cart sync under Admin panel - Salesforce - Abandoned carts
Updated Order config page: Added the "Opportunity Record type" dropdown config.
3. Updated Negotiable quotes config page: Added the "Record type" dropdown config.Added the RecordType mapping items
Created a new Magento cron job: it runs every 5 minutes
Created a new MQ consumer.
Created a new grid page: admin panel - Sales - Abandoned cart
Improved the Customer page: Added the "Opportunity link" and "Sync with Salesforce" button to the "Shopping cart" tab
Removed old logic where we start Cart sync on the checkout page.
Not all fields are synced - Issue fixed
Telephone not syncing - Issue fixed
implemented a new feature:
Provide the ability to map product PricebookEntry fields.
Added new field mappings under Admin panel -Salesforce - Field mappings Extra - Pricebook Entry
Shipment is automatically synchronized when submitting an invoice but automated synchronization is turned off - Issue fixed
implemented a new feature:
Enable (invoice/shipment) Synchronization - No = skip sync when the record is created, skip sync when the record is updated/created, hide manual sync button
Enable (invoice/shipment) Synchronization - Yes = a new "Enable Automatic Synchronization " dropdown appears.
Enable Automatic Synchronization - Yes = pull record to the queue when the record is created or updated, sync button - add the record to a queue
Enable Automatic Synchronization - No = don't add to the queue when the record is created/updated, add a record to the queue if sync is triggered through our manual sync button only.
System mapping issue - Fixed issue when System mapping become non-system after saving