Install composer package(s)
- If you use Magento 2.2 and below, STOP. Version 2.6 only supports Magneto version 2.3 and above.
If you use Magento 2.3 and above
If you are using the paid version 2.5 or lower, you will need to uninstall tnw/sforcebusiness first.
Panel titleBGColor white title *nix command ./bin/magento module:disable TNW_SForceBusiness TNW_SForceEnterprise
composer remove tnw/sforcebusiness tnw/sforceenterprise --no-scripts
The next step will be to update the extensions and re-enable the extension for the paid version
Panel bgColor black titleBGColor white title *nix command composer require
Insert excerpt _install tnw/soap-client _install tnw/soap-client nopanel true Insert excerpt _install tnw/salesforce _install tnw/salesforce nopanel true Insert excerpt _install tnw/sforceenterprise _install tnw/sforceenterprise nopanel true ./bin/magento module:enable TNW_SForceEnterprise
Insert excerpt | ||||||