2.10.47 -
Consumers optimization: spawn a new messages on Memory limit restart
Implemented mechanism spawn a new messages on Memory limit restart
2.10.46 -
Sync SQL optimization: remove unnecessary queries
Added a new "Use pre-check" config - it's responsible for extra sql query we run for the sync process.
2.10.45 -
Add indexes to tnw_salesforce_entity_queue
Added indexes to tnw_salesforce_entity_queue table
2.10.44 -
Optimization: salesforce_refresh_grids cron job
Set need_refresh_grids to 0 in module configuration to disable cron grid refresh by default arter module installation
2.10.43 -
SQL optimization: tnw_salesforce_objects
Changed ORDER BY statement and added indexes for all columns from the sql query. Created PR.
2.10.42 -
Individual Cron Group for each cron job
created individual Cron Group for each command to be able enable/disable them individually
2.10.40 -
Contact Group must be specified to save the Tiered Price record
Fixed issue with Not Loogged in Customer groupd sync. Reason in entity_id = "0" and straight types of the data for customer group filter existing.
2.10.39 -
Dependency Queue issue
Fixed Dependency Queue issue
2.10.38 -
Reindex issue: optimize SQL queries
Reindex issue: optimized SQL queries. changed sub-select to the LeftJoins
2.10.37 -
Misspelled message \"was skipped, data is Salesforce matches the data in Magento
Fixed message for skipped records
2.10.36 -
PricebookEntry stuck in Scheduled status if sync product in bulk mode with archived product