2.9.21 -
The default owner is assigned for account/contact in SF even if Sels rep was changed for customer
Fixed isssue with Sels rep sinchronization after changing on Edit Customer page
Customer Sales Rap does not apply for order placed from Frontend
Fixed issue when Customer Sales Rap does not apply for order placed from Frontend
2.9.20 -
Modules performance improvement:
fixed collection grouping
optimized selection
OrderItem sync: skip pricebook condition
QuoteItem(AbandonedCartItem) sync: skip pricebook condition
B2BQuoteItem sync: skip pricebook condition
Implemented new option "Skip PricebokEntry sync". The related Product wouldn't be added to the sync Queue if they are already synced
Resync Frozen doesnt work with Realtime
Resync Frozen queue option values changed to minutes
Correct Queue datatime filters
Corrected Queue datetime. Server date is saved in database
Check memory usage for consumers
Implemented new option "Memory limit for consumer". This option restart consumer when it exceeds memory limit2.9.19 -
duplicate value found: tnw_mage_basic__Website_ID__c error when edit website