2.9.8 -
Release performance, part 3:
Optimize newsletter subscriber load
Group parent queues and preload
Optimize method \TNW\Salesforce\Model\Queue::dependenceByCode
Optimize load from negotiable repository
OptimizeTNW_B2BAddressBookSalesforce module
Optimize columns selects on collection method
Preload Billing and Shipping addresses for orders and order customers
Preload order items
Optimize negotiable quote cart repository load
Optimize load company from cache in TNW_B2BSforce plugin
Optimize Order activate LoadByOrderStatus
Issues Fixed:
Customer EAV sub-entity does not sync
Fixed Issue when Customer EAV sub-entity does not sync after creating more that 60 custom attributes and mappings for them
MariaDB has the same maximum number of 61 tables in a join as Mysq
Fixed issue with SQL: "Too many tables; MariaDB can only use 61 tables in a join, query"
REQUEST_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: TotalRequests Limit exceeded. issues
Corrected error messages, added link to Wiki page about this issue
Some records stuck in Salesforce Update Preparation status - issue fixed
2.9.7 -
Undefined index - error during the Opportunity sync